
Custom Your Child’s Clothing

When it comes to their children’s clothing, parents and guardians sometimes prefer custom made clothes for them, especially for those unique celebrations as the child’s birthday and school’s valedictory service. This gives them the opportunity to choose the design/style, as well as the fabric(s) that should be used. We have created this platform to receive detailed instructions specific to your child’s production, while on our part we work conscientiously to deliver to your expectation. This platform affords you the luxury [...]

Happy New Year 2021

The new year 2021 will be to you a year of fulfilment, joy, peace and prosperity. On our part, we are repositioned to offer the children creative development platforms that will unravel their creative abilities, and equip them with relevant skills that will give them a fighting chance in the constantly evolving world. Leverage our platforms for the overall development of your child(ren). Happy New Year.

Welcome to 2021

A big THANK YOU to you, our customers and cheerleaders for your patronage, referrals and encouragement this past year. In spite of the unprecedented challenges in the year, you were a great support in ensuring that we remained in business and further more made significant achievement despite all odds. To the kids who adorn and relish the comfort and exquisiteness of the Zucchini clothing brand, we say thank you and we truly love you. To the parents and guardians who made [...]

Introducing the Zucchini Royalty Card

The Zucchini Royalty Card, also referred to as the Zucchini Purple Card is a virtual value card which affords the recipient to be treated with royalty and offered premium preference when making purchases on our online store. The recipient enjoys the following: Makes purchases with the card all year round. Enjoys 25% Discount on all purchases. Free Delivery for all purchases. Recognized as a donor to the Zucchini Kiddies Initiatives based on the contribution of 30% of profit from every purchase to the [...]

Yuletide Super Sales

This year no doubt has been quite challenging, from the COVID 19 pandemic to the lockdowns and protests. However, as we approach the last month of the year; the period reminds us to be grateful and thankful for life and its blessings in spite of all. The month of December offers us the opportunity to reflect on the great moments and the people we created and enjoyed them with. It also affords us to appreciate the sacrifices we’ve made and [...]

Become a Ztrybe: Create Your Income, Leverage Our Platform

It won’t be a bad idea to earn an income, and for some other an extra income, without having to part with funds as initial investment or seed capital, and this is what we are offering you through our affiliate programme, code named, Ztrybe. Ztrybe provides an empowering platform for affiliates to leverage the Zucchini brand to create their income within the comfort of their space, employing their devices such as telephones, tablets and computers. Without any seed capital as investment [...]

Zucchini Kiddies Lounge – Children’s Development & Empowerment

Zucchini Kiddies Lounge is a children development and empowerment platform initiated by Zucchini Outfits in line with its objective of equipping the child for the future. The Zucchini Kiddies Lounge is tailored in practical ways to unleash the creativity, ingenuity and entrepreneurial abilities in children. Activities at the Zucchini Kiddies Lounge is hinged on play as a creative tool for children’s learning and interaction. Through the lounge we complement the academic endeavours of these children providing them opportunities to acquire [...]

Join the Zucchini Distributors Network – Build Your Business … Grow With Us

The Distributors Network is designed to provide a leverage platform for: Anyone interested in starting a fashion retail business. Anyone interested in earning an extra income. Anyone interested in empowering someone. With the catch phrase – Build Your Business, Grow with Us – through our wholesales programme, we’re creating empowering opportunities for people to earn an income, build a sustainable fashion retail business and employ others. We are looking forward to work with people on our distribution network to ensure they have all [...]

Our Fashion Brand … Simply Exquisite

At Zucchini Outfits, Children are the essence of our fashion statement. We pride ourselves at employing African fabrics and prints to provide fashionable, fitting and functional clothing styles for children – both boys and girls from the age of 16 years and below. We explore the vibrant and colourful prints from across Africa in our trendy styles and designs portraying the rich African experience and importantly ensuring a feeling of confidence, comfort and positive outlook for children. We provide children clothing [...]

Introducing the Kiddies Movie Night

At the Zucchini Kiddies Lounge, our goal is to provide platforms that develop and empower the child to be useful and relevant citizens to the community. While our tool for engagement with the children is play for learning and development, we seek to complement their academic pursuits in moulding them for the future. Commencing from the month of September 2020, we will be opening up to children another platform that creates an avenue for them to learn and broaden their mind [...]