Kiddies Fashion Brand

We explore the vibrant and colourful prints from across Africa to provide fashionable, fitting, and functional styles for children, from ages 16 years and below, suitable for different occasions and functions. Children are the essence of our fashion statement, expressed in our unique designs and diverse collections.
Zucchini Fashion brand is an afro-centric fashion collection for children, catering for the fashion needs of both boys and girls from 16 years and below. Our love and thoughtfulness towards children are expressed in the care in crafting the fashion items, understanding the uniqueness of each child.
Our fashion collections rooted in the African culture fashion heritage provides a wide variety of options and designs to suit the fashion needs of children. Our kiddies fashion brand is simply exquisite intended to impress on the child confidence, positive self-esteem and self-worth. It is bequeathing a blend of culture, tradition and innovation to the next generation.
Ad're Collections
The Ad’re Collections coined from the Yoruba label adire, which means “tied and dyed”, is the chief fabric employed in the production of styles and designs in this collection. A handmade resist and tie-dyeing cloth originating from the city of Abeokuta, Nigeria has now become wide spread production by Yoruba women of south western Nigeria.
Our Ad’re collection produced from the Adire fabric sourced from Abeokuta is distinguished from other African fabrics by its unique and regal indigo colour.
Afrik Collections
Our Afrik Collections is produced from Ankara fabrics. Ankara commonly known as African prints, is a 100% cotton fabric with very vibrant patterns and colours, primarily associated to Africa because of its tribal-like patterns and motifs.
The Ankara fabric is known for its colourful African prints, and is deeply associated with African clothing. One of the best things about Ankara fabric is the intensity of its African prints does not change compared to other printed textiles that fade quickly.
Afri-Denim Collections
The vibrant, hand-loomed cotton cloth created by the Yoruba people of Western Nigeria popularly called Aso Oke is the source fabric for the production of the Afri-Denim collections. Afri-Denim as a short form for African Denim derived from the outlook of the western denim fabric, which is similar in the final outlook of the Aso Oke fabric when finished in production.
This rich fabric both in texture and colour over the years is being denoted a cloth of high status among the Yoruba people. While maintaining the richness, we work with our artisans to lighten the weight which makes it accessible to produce trendy and fashionable designs for children, It simply is tradition infused into fashion.
Zucch Collections
The Zucch Collections provides us the opportunity to avail children fashion designs and styles produced from fabrics that are typically not of the African origin and culture, such as crepe, silk, cotton, denim, cashmere, etc.
The existence of clothing and other fashion products from these fabrics locally, and a choice among users makes it expedient for us to create this collection on our children fashion brand.
Anike Collections
The name, Anike, in Yoruba language is translated to mean “we have whom to care for”. It would also mean “to pamper or to take care of too much”. The Anike Collections is our children luxury fashion brand, produced from high quality fabrics, as well as a unique display of craftmanship in the production.
While the source fabrics used in this collection cuts across a wide range, the artistry is exceptional, fabric is high grade and the designs are unique and often times exclusive.